I happened to view this website and it has a compelling sales copy that I never wasted any time to sign-up. Here is the home page, above the fold.
The site allows me to setup my site in 2 minutes for free. They even boasted that it would have cost me $1097 for them to build me a money-making site. Then they showed me an earnings screenshot showing earnings averaging $1500 daily.
Farther down the page, this caught my attention.Once I activate my new website, I will have millions of potential customers. That is so compelling. I am sold. Let me have my website. So I applied.
Let us see what happens next. I signed-up using one of my throw-away emails just to check what this site has to offer me.
After signed-up I got this welcome message from Costa Dedes himself.
It gets exciting at this point. Costa Dedes gives me two options: to choose between the Basic Package, which is free and the Pro Package, which will cost me $11.95 montly. I thought it was all free. OK at least there is a free option. They repeated once more that whatever option I take, I will get the $1097 website. I just don't know how they arrived at that figure.
Of course, as I don't want to spend any money, I selected the Basic Package which is free. It asks me for the website title. I put in some fictitious title and a captcha to ensure that I am a human.
Then I received an aweber autoresponder message from Michael Vincent requiring me to confirm my request. Since it is just a throwaway email, I consented.
Another autoresponder message from the same guy (I wonder where is Costa Dedes) now congratulating me on setting up a new website. Here is the email.
The email recommends a next step to start getting customers to my website. I thought I will have millions of potential customers once I activated. So they recommended me to www.Get-Visitors-Now.com for $49.95, an upsell.
What is worst is that my new website is nowhere to be found. They did not even mentioned in the email regarding my access account and password.
Another day, another scam.
Costa Dedes, you are in my hit list.....Michael Vincent.....another scumbag.