365jobs4u is a work from home site offering opportunities for home-based workers: job opportunities like data entry, typing, and surveying jobs. A quick look on the whois information revealed that the domain owner had applied for whois privacy protection. Not that I am against whois privacy protection but it gives added credence if you can see who owns the domain of a business site you are dealing with, especially if you are to be paid by them in the future. So this is red flag #1 for me.
The home page of this site reveals one glaring fact:

This site is spamming the search engine thru keyword stuffing. An old trick used by webmasters to convince the search engines to rank them well for the stuffed keywords. Look how the site repeated the words data entry, processing, conversion, all highly-searched keywords. No wonder they spammed the forum I was in last night with several threads all pointing to this site.
From the home page, I selected International Customers because I am not an Indian and I am from the Philippines.
The page that followed presented me with several menu options I clicked on Top Vacancies (actually the word "vacancies" was mispelled) and I got a blank page with keyword stuffing of the words data entry, processing, etc. at the top.
I clicked next on Content Writer. I was brought to a sales page. I saw some magic words on this page.

"A single line typed by you ... can pay you $5000. "
How can anyone beat that. There is more. Look at how they defined what is a content writer :

The last line caught my attention.
"It's a pure data entry job."
I never thought that a content writer is the same as data entry. No matter how I scratch my head, I still can't see the connection. Data entry is filling in forms, filling in blanks. Content writing may fill in forms and blanks but the similarity ends there. I don't need to define content writing as I am sure everyone knows what it is.
I also noticed that there are a lot of grammatical errors in this page. I don't claim to have perfect grammar but for a site promoting a content writing service, I will not transact with you if your sales copy cannot even come up with simple elementary English.
Now on the top of this page, there is a "Payment and Plan Options", I clicked on it and I got this screenshot.

"Just spend some time & make any-time life-time income"
This is not American English. I am not American but I haven't heard this English usage. I cannot comprehend what this paragraph is, it talks about so many things and this is a sales copy.
Btw, you need to register for $45 for the Basic Plan and $85 for the Premium Plan. I don't know what is the registration for. I guess it has something to do with the maximum number of articles you can submit per month.
I've taken another screenshot of the payment plan to show the complete information.

"Time required to complete each article is around 5 minutes"
Are you nuts? Why give me time limit to write my article. And it was written in red and in italics so that it will be difficult to read. How can I get paid if they require me to write within 5 minutes. Let me see, for a 400-word article, I need to write 80 words per minute. But I can type only 60 words per minute and that is typing not writing.
I reviewed the other pages like the one for online typing job. Again, they have two payment plans. $55 for Beginner Typist and $95 for Professional Typist. You can get 50-100 assignments daily and you are allowed only to commit 2 mistakes per assignment. Similar to content writing, they set the bar high so that you won't get paid.
I believe I've seen much of this site and there is no need for me to go farther. I won't outsource my content writing to a site which can't even come up with grammatically-correct basic English copy. I won't also pay for membership for any work of this type.
I will not brand this site as a scam. But the way I see it from their website, even if you get some work from them, you will never get paid because it is just difficult to meet their requirements. There are a lot more opportunities out there which require no upfront payment and guarantee you receiving your payment regardless of your typing or writing speed.
I've been with oDesk for several months now and I haven't paid oDesk a single cent. If you are interested for this type of opportunities you can click on my oDesk banner link. Absolutely, no membership or registration fees will be charged to you.